I, in my unfortunate judgment, read all of the books. That’s about 2,750 pages that I would personally fight gladiator style if they were alive. But I will say that if the first book stood on its own, this article would never be made. I appreciated the first book, and had it stood alone, I would read it again.
This may sound odd coming from a certified hater. However, to me, the first book is what the movies are like to most people: a soapy, cheesy— and a little cringey— romance. In a way, the gloomy atmosphere, cryptic characters, and easy plot blended well together. It was almost nostalgic. Still, there are points to discuss.
Let’s start with Edward; for those of you who don’t know, Edward is the love
interest and a 100+ year old man creeping on 16-year-old Bella Swan. However, believe it or not, that’s not where I have a problem. Wait, that sounds bad. Hear me out!
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