Who here is a procrastinator?  




You can’t see me, but I am raising my hand high right now. You’ll ask most procrastinators, and they’ll say I am not one. “Why?” you may be asking. Because I know how to organize those few hours before something is due so it gets done. Within that I get other little things too.  

How many of you have had the world's best idea, whether for a book, a poem or some sort of art? Mid-shower, or during work hours?  

How many of those absolutely amazing gut-wrenching ideas left you like dust in the wind?  



It's happened to me way too many times. An idea that could have become everything slips my mind the second I put my thoughts into something else. It’s sad. Do you know how many life changing ideas I’ve had? Have you read them? No. Why? Because I never organized my thoughts.  

However, these are all situations I would say I struggled with a couple months ago. Now, with the mess that is school, extracurriculars, jobs, friends, and family I thankfully learned to organize myself.  

Here I’ll share with you my tips and methods. I can’t tell you it's fool proof. I’ve had my ups and downs with these just because I forget that I have a method sometimes but with some discipline I can guarantee it works. Mainly because when you’re neck deep in work and stress you have no other option but when there's not much to do you get to working on those earth-shattering creative ideas of yours that you’ve had to put back for a while.  


Without further ado- here it is:  


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