Isaac Hutcheson (Below left) is our editor in chief who's a hoodie-loving gamer that’s chronically online. He still makes time to read, write short stories, watch funny otter videos, and binge Adam Savage videos.

Rowan Sizemore (Above right) is our publications editor and is a super cool guy who enjoys long walks on the beach and pina coladas. You can probably find him watching crime tv shows or doing homework in his room.
Kiersten Lee (Below Left) is our submissions editor who's an aspiring writer of everything and lover of frogs. Warning--prolonged exposure may result in being recommended above average amounts of sad gay cartoons and gothic horror novels.

(Soni)yah Wiggins (above right) is our Podcast editor who's a local Cryptid in charge of the Echo's Podcast: Echo's Hollow. He/She/They enjoys horror and thriller novels and movies - let the anxiety be damned.
John Eric Vona (below left) is The Echo’s advisor, AKA too old to be editor or to get published in his own magazine. Vona totally has a very professional outlook on literature, that is the whole point of being on payroll for the English department. Vona is not a fan of not living in the moment; he insists that recording anything is practically heresy, like okay old man.

Alexis Barr (above right) was raised around cats, a dad in a band, and Minecraft: Pocket Edition on the iPhone 4, it’s no surprise Alexis has a lot of interests. Writing, music, video games, and more are all things they’re passionate about! Unfortunately, none of them will lead into money-making careers.
Delaney Florence (below left) What's up? I'm Delaney. I'm 17 and I never learned how to read. My hobbies include excessive daydreaming, drinking a concerning amount of caffeine, and crying when my Spotify premium runs out.

Rachel Goldstein (above right) likes to write stories that never make it to a Word Document. In the war of Coke vs. Pepsi, she chose Dr. Pepper like a true boss.
Jordin Wiggington (below left) Spends all her time hanging out with rats and listening to the art of Korn. In the wise words of Korn, YOU MAH BRRR RA DA MMBA EEEENBA BRR RAT DA NNDA ENDA BOO twist.

Oriana Attias (above right) I'm 17, stressed out and ready for anything, your local reptile and dragon expert, as well an artist on the side. I sometimes look scary but if you talk to me about the right thing I will not shut up.
Lia Hurley (below left) feels that being a part of a big community is the most memorable and enjoyable things to do. While she hits the gritty and wins every Dress to Impress, she truly is the spark of enthusiasm that brings people together.

Harriet Wood (above right) is obsessed with fish and sea critters. She loves horror and FISH. FISH FISH FISH FISH FISH FISH!
Lyan Perez (below left) thinks Snickers chocolate is the best. English isn't her first language yet poetry warms her heart.

Chloe Brown (above right) loves reading sci-fi and romance, drawing creepy monsters, and watching horror movies.
Olivia Lazaro (below left) is a girl who spends all her time making music and turning everything into a joke. You can hear her loud mouth from a mile away

Bailey Mollohan (above right) loves to bake pumpkin pie. Her favorite animal is a capybara.
Alejandra Vilamil (below left) loves her mom. She often imagines herself in alternate universes and then writes about those universes.

Aishlyn Mccarty (Above right) is an Echonian by day, and a proud member of the burrito republic by night.
Rita Joseph Mouannes (Below left)'s favorite horror movie is La La Land. She once dressed up as Alexander Hamilton during spirit week to scare John Eric Vona.

Max Gore (Above right) is a nerdy white boy who can either be found doing math, sleeping, or calling his best friend Rowan