Whispering Girl
There's a ghost by the lake in the woods, if you go swimming maybe you'll end up like her
When humans dream, it’s our brains trying to organize the information we’ve stored and the thoughts we’ve had. Our brains are most active when we are in our deepest sleep; it’s when our conscious mind and unconscious mind interact, when our deepest secrets take shape and become reality. That’s why we asked you to share your dreams; we asked for the nightmares that scare you the most, what makes you shiver at the witching hour.
There's a ghost by the lake in the woods, if you go swimming maybe you'll end up like her
How do you return to a peaceful place of mind, after the deepest betrayal had been revealed - The moment when you realize that your world can never be the same
Just as the phases of the moon shows the change in the sky, it marks a period of change and growth in a relationship