There's a new furry creature in your room... It looks like it has something to say to you...

Poem By Remus Mo

There is a Furby in my room. 
My little sister got it from her grandma but she doesn’t want it anymore. 

It looked sad so I’m taking care of it now 
I make sure it gets everything it wants 

At night it stares at me and chants old songs 
I feel protected 
It’s beautiful that it can talk  

I stare at it 
it sees me looking and stops chanting 
it looks me deep in the eyes  
and says: 


"tah may-tah                                                     tah may-tah
   tah may-tah                                              tah may-tah 
       tah may-tah       tah may-tah             tah may-tah 
                         tah  tah Furby may-tah tah 
                    Furby                                  boh boo          
          moh-moh                                          Furby 
      may-may                                                  oo-nye 
tah may-tah                                                     tah may-lah 
    nee-way                                                         boo may-tah         
  doo Furby                                                          oh-too-mah       
    nee-may                                                           doo-dah 
            boo                                                          boh  
dah-boh-bay                                                       tah may-tah 
            Furby                                                     boh    
         doh-dee                                                  boo doo 
            loo-loo-doo                                     uh-oh  
                         kah ah-mah  ay-tay oo-nye” 




give kiss give kiss give kiss give kiss give kiss give kiss give kiss 
give Furby kiss 
Furby is no monster 
Furby loves you 

give kiss give hug 

no kiss? 
Furby asked sweetly 
do not be scared 
give kiss 
Furby is cute 


i have to eat you